「日本美術刀剣保存協会 長岡支部」のホームページをご覧頂き有難うございます。当支部は、昭和34年に創立され、平成24年には「公益財団法人 日本美術刀剣保存協会」の協力団体として、従前と同様の名称である「日本美術刀剣保存協会長岡支部」として認定され再スタートしましたが、当初の創立から起算して60数年の歴史を重ねております。さて、昨今の日本刀ブームの影響もあってか日本刀に興味をもたれる方もあろうかと思いますが、その興味を持つに至った経緯となると十人十色で決して一様ではありませんし、当支部の会員にしても、また同様であるといえるでしょう。
以上、当支部の現状紹介と一部お願いを記させていただき、ご挨拶とさせて頂きます。 |
Thank you for visiting our websit.
Founded in 1959 and recognized as a partnering branch by The Society for Preservation of Japanese
Art Swords in 2012, we now have a history of more than 60 years.
As Japanese swords have drawn more and more attention and popularity these
days, the number of
people interested in the art rises.
Every one of them, including our members, has their own story about their
swords and how they
became fascinated by the crafts.
Originally, we placed emphasis on bidding and judgment of swords, as we
thought they were the
most exciting part of the culture.
however, we put more focus on the other aim of ours, which is to “socialize
through swords.”
To achieve this goal, we are engaged in sword viewing gatherings and local events that would help
spread this culture throughout the region.
We will continue with these projects on a local level, reflecting the needs of the general public
toward Japanese swords on our future activities.
be happy to hear your opinions and suggestions on our group and Japanese art
swords in general.
you for reading this introduction. It’s our pleasure to share the culture of
Japanese art swords with you.